Wednesday, October 27, 2010


A bunch of pictures

First, some administrative issues. I get between 5 and 30 "hits" a day on this site. But I have had only 3 comments in 5 years. Somebody told me that my "comment" settings might not be right. Any comments?

This is the cabinet in the upstairs hallway between the bedrooms. Almost every place upstairs where the attic ceiling comes down into the room there is a cabinet under it. That means that there is no place where you can actually walk up to the wall and hit your head on the ceiling. I get the cozy feeling of attic ceilings without the uncomfortable feeling that you need to watch your head.

I had a few extra tigerwood boards from the floor, so I used them to trim the countertop, which is linoleum. Click on any picture for a better look (except this one which for some reason doesn't work).

These are old cabinet doors (actually off the back of an old pump organ) that I used to cover the demand water heater and the plumbing manifold. You can see the generator panel that allows me to run several circuits when the power is out. It went out just the other day, but only for three hours.

This is the little computer station at the top of the stairs. Behind it is a built in cubby hole for a file cabinet and wireless printer.

The computer station is more linoleum countertop with tigerwood trim, like the hall cabinet. The counter top will have a desk grommet that will allow all electrical cords to pass through into a cord storage area and connect to a multiple outlet under the work station. You can see a phone plate that hasn't been connected yet. We've been using cell phone services for both voice and computer and I may never actually use a land line at this work station (or in the house at all).

Here's the tile work on the living room hydronic heated floor. It's ready for furniture.

The kitchen table is now a tool storage area. You can see part of the kitchen countertop (linoleum with aluminum trim) in the foreground. I'll have to get some picture of the kitchen when I get it cleaned off. The tile is the same style, just a different color, from the living room. The mop board is also tile.

I'm enjoying this journal of your build. Thanks for documenting everything you're going through, and especially thanks for all the pictures of the work in progress.

I'd be interested in a post about your hot water setup and tuning the on-demand heater.

Regarding your administrative issues: comments seem to be set up as moderated, so you have to review and approve each comment before it'll display on the blog.

Thanks for the comment. I had 586 visits to my blog just in October but not a comment for over a year???? I know you have to be a registered blogspot user, but how complex is that?

I'll get some info and pictures of my potable water/hydronic system. I may have lucked-out, as mine is very simple. I had purchased several items for fine tuning (a zone valve, mixing valve, etc.) I just hooked up my system in a bare-bones configuration and everything worked after some very minor tuning. The extra pieces went up for auction on eBay.

Best part is that a demand on the potable side interupts the flow of hot to the hydronic side, so a hot shower has priority over the floor heating and the floor heating coming on during a shower doesn't effect the shower temp. More on that later.
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