Monday, April 04, 2011


Landscaping with native plants (and stumps)

Here is my view of the water before any trees were trimmed.
Here's the start of my native landscaping. The stump was cut off and moved to location along with sword ferns, deer ferns, rattlesnake plantain, rhododendron, manzanita, dogwood, bear grass and lots of types of moss. Click on the picture a few times for more detail.
Here's my new view. The tree in the forground (with a kink in it and a tree swallow box just above the kink) will be removed an used as this winter's fire wood. I just haven't had a chance to cut it down.
Now I can actually see my beach.
Click on this picture a few times to see me cutting off the top of this hemlock. A couple of trees were taken down completely. This hemlock had madronas on both sides, so it could not just be felled as there wasn't a place to drop it without it hanging up in the madronas. It had to come down in pieces after all the branches were removed.

Your home is absolutely gorgeous! I'm looking into using Rastra blocks and stumbled upon your website. I've read each of your building blogs and am so impressed with your abilities. Thank you for putting this up.
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